Page 39 - SOGIBA 1 2020
P. 39


            S O G I B A                    de andrógenos.                         4    2
                                           Tumores ováricos secretores

                                           MARIA BELEN PEREZ LANA , SANDRA DEMAYO ,
                                           ADRIANA MONASTERO , MANIEL NÖLTING .
                                           Secretory ovarian tumors androgen.

                                           Minerva Ginecol. 2019 Feb;71(1):72-77. doi: 10.23736/S0026-
                                           4784.18.04302-2. Epub 2018 Oct 2.

                                              Background: The sex cord-stromal tumors are relative
                                           rare, comprising 5-8% of all ovarian neoplasms.

                                              METHODS: The study androgen tumors and a description
                                           of three cases: Leydig tumor, steroid cell (NOS) tumor and
                                           Sertoli-Leydig tumor.
                                              Results:  Twelve patients were menopausal and one
                                           patient of reproductive age. In all cases, regardless of the
                                           histological variety, women presented symptoms of hyperan-
                                           drogenism and virilization. All had increased values of total
                                           testosterone. In all cases surgical treatment was performed,
                                           with favorable clinical and biochemical evolution.
                                              Conclusions: Sex cord stromal tumors of the ovary are
                                           rare, and can be characterized by virilization for most patients.
                                           The majority of the tumors are benign, with few cases having
                                           low-grade malignancy. The suspicion and correct evaluation
                                           of these women will lead to an early diagnosis and improve
                                           their quality of life.

                                              Introducción: Los tumores de los cordones  sexuales y
           Médica ginecóloga. Miembro
           titular de SAEGRE y SOGIBA.     del estroma son relativamente raros, comprenden entre el 5
           Médica ginecóloga,              y el 8% de todas las neoplasias ováricas.
           presidente de la SAEGRE.
           Médica ginecóloga. Secretaria      Objetivo: Revisión de 13 casos de tumores de andrógenos
           académica de SAEGRE.
           4                               y una descripción de 3 casos: tumor de Leydig, tumor de cé-
           Médico ginecólogo.
           Presidente                      lulas esteroides (NOS) y tumor de Sertoli-Leydig.
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